Monthly review of citric acid market: poor demand, temporarily stable market (June 2024)
Monthly review of citric acid market: poor demand, temporarily stable market
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical
Supply-side support: corn prices may continue to rise in June
【Introduction】 In May, as the grassroots grain supply decreased, traders' shipments were limited, th
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical
Review of citric acid export situation in the first quarter and forecast for the second quarter
[Introduction] Citric acid export momentum fell back in the first quarter of 2024, with a year-on-ye
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical
Xanthan gum: The price decline will narrow in the first quarter of 2024 and may stop falling and rebound in the second quarter
[Introduction] The decline in xanthan gum market prices narrowed in the first quarter of 2024, mainl
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical
Global Ingredients Show
Уважаемый (ая) …! Приглашаем Вас ознакомиться с серией новинок / готовыми решениями с применением п
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical
MSG: Prices first fell and then rose in the first quarter, and there may be downside risks in the second quarter
[Introduction] During the first quarter, the domestic MSG market price first declined and then rose.
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical
April 23-25, 2024, Exihibition in Russia, in Moscow
April 23-25, 2024, Exihibition in Russia, in Moscow
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical
MSG Daily Review: Market prices are temporarily weak and stable, with a strong wait-and-see atmosphere (20240119)
1. MSG market dynamics Recently, the price of MSG has remained stable. The main transacti
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical
Xanthan Gum: Strong supply and weak demand, market price fell to the low of the year
[Introduction] The market price of xanthan gum will enter a downward channel in the second half of 2
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical
Citric acid: cost support appears, prices may stop falling ​
[Introduction] Overseas demand for citric acid has dropped, companies are not willing to raise price
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical