Daily Review of MSG Market: The Market Is Running Smoothly (20220920)
Guangzhou ZIO Chemical

1. Monosodium glutamate market dynamics




Today, the contract price of large-package monosodium glutamate 40-60 mesh of some MSG enterprises is 9800-9980 RMB / ton(1420-1446 USD/ton). The mentality is relatively stable and positive, and the contract orders are executed in order. The market price in the sales area is stable. The market price of large-package monosodium glutamate 40/50/60 mesh in most sales areas refers to 9800-10000 RMB / ton(1420-1450 USD/ton). The supply of some brands is slightly tight, and the supply of large and medium crystal forms is tight. Downstream merchants can still ship, and there is a certain reluctance to sell.


2. Corn Market Overview


The price of corn market in Northeast China is stable today. With the reduction of grain sources, the merchants in the origin are more reluctant to sell, and they mainly operate in small quantities. Some deep-processing enterprises raised the purchase price of dry food in front of the door, and the number of arriving vehicles remained at a low level. The northern ports have strong demand for high-quality corn, and the collection volume is relatively low. Today, the mainstream price of corn market in North China is basically stable, and some areas are weak. Some new-season corns in Henan and Shandong have been launched sporadically, and the prices of new and old grains have gradually converged. Due to the price advantage of substitutes, feed enterprises replenish the raw material corn on demand, and deep processing enterprises adjust the purchase price within a narrow range according to the arrival situation.



3. MSG market outlook forecast






Due to the rise in upstream quotations and the tight supply of some brands in some sales areas, the mentality of downstream distribution merchants has turned stable, and there is a certain reluctance to sell. Industrial users normally sign orders to replenish. In terms of industry supply, some factories of upstream enterprises have short-term production adjustments. Except for some brands whose supply is slightly tight, the overall supply is stable and the industry inventory is relatively concentrated. Considering the current situation of supply and the mentality of upstream and downstream, it is expected that the market price of monosodium glutamate will run smoothly this week. Pay attention to changes in business start-up and the latest corporate quotations.
